Hello World

This is our first blog post. Really cool

It's been so long since I first thought, "I should start blogging," that I can't even remember when the idea first came to mind. When you enter the field of software development as a profession, if you have a busy work schedule, most of your time is spent developing projects or learning new technologies. Naturally, this leaves very little time for other things. On the other hand, I often try to express my admiration to my colleagues who manage to blog regularly, as I truly appreciate their dedication.

Generally speaking, I observe that developers tend to write two types of blogs. The first group produces tutorial-style content that delves into technical details to solve a specific problem, while the second group shares blog posts that provide a broader overview and personal experiences.

In this blog, I will generally be publishing posts under the Blog section where I share my personal views and experiences on various topics. On the other hand, I have countless notes that I've written down over the years on pieces of papers, notebooks, or in the margins of books. These notes are a collection of small and large observations that have emerged as part of my learning experience over time. For now, I will be sharing these notes on a platform I particularly like, [Dev.to] (https://dev.to/onurpalaz)

Dev.to is a highly successful platform that brings together developers of various skill levels from around the world. Developers here share countless tutorial-style articles every day, tailored to their own expertise and knowledge levels. I plan to share my notes on dev.to as systematically as possible over time. Once these notes reach a certain level of maturity, I hope to compile and share them here as well. Occasionally, I also consider publishing my blog posts on Medium. Anyways, That's all for now.

Happy reading!